Other Structures

The following structures are available globally.

  • Stores resource as a name of the resource and Bundle in which the resource is available.

    Resource is initialized with a bundle description (a bundle name or a bundle identifier) and a name of the resource. If bundle name is nil then Bundle.main is used.

    Resource can be parsed from string.

    Resources representation: is made of resource representation separated by comma. In addition, the CleanFlag can be used as first element.

    Resource representation: is made of a bundle name (or a bundle identifier) and a resource name separated with colon. Bundle name can be a nil string then the Bundle.main will be used.


    Test data:events,nil:contacts
    AM_CLEAN_DATA_FLAG,Test data:events,nil:contacts
    See more



    public struct LaunchEnvironmentResource
  • Error used by the AutoMate-AppBuddy.



    public struct ParserError : ErrorWithMessage